Simona Greco, group exhibition director, Fiera Milano, tells us about the upcoming event.
“We are showcasing HostMilano’s unique exhibition concept at The Hotel Show, based on macro-areas that combine different but contiguous sectors. The idea is to put different but complementary sectors together generating new business opportunities. The concept is being refined at every edition, but the original idea keeps proving effective and it is the guideline we follow for any response to market changes,” Greco explained.
“As part of a strategy aimed at reaching out to specialised audiences all over the world, HostMilano has identified a number of select events outside Italy where we’ll present our exhibition concept in the upcoming months.
Together with North America, the Middle East and the Gulf countries are one of our main focus areas for the 2019 edition and we have identified The Hotel Show as an ideal platform to get in contact with international professionals in the hotel industry in this area. In parallel, scouting continues under a partnership with the Italian Trade Agency, to bring more than 1,500 buyers from 80 different countries to Host 2019, with a high turnover rate, 80%, and a focus on other particularly interesting markets such as the US, Canada, China, and Russia, besides the Middle East and the UAE themselves,” she added.
As of today, 1,189 companies have already confirmed their participation and 45.6% of them come from 44 foreign countries. Among the most represented countries are Germany (16%), Spain (14%) and France (9%) from Europe.”