Dubai’s presence at this year’s World Travel Market (WTM) highlights the continual appeal of Dubai to visitors from the UK and Europe, with Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) joined by 62 top Dubai tourism brands to deliver the message that families should put Dubai top of their list as their 2016 must-visit destination.
Speaking at WTM, Issam Kazim, CEO of Dubai Tourism, said: “Dubai’s range of attractions, experiences and events already holds great appeal for families from across all of our source markets, and with four major theme parks opening in Dubai next year, this is set to be significantly enhanced. Coming in the midst of our first ever global destination marketing campaign, which positions Dubai as a city of endless possibilities, we are here at WTM to show why families across the UK and Europe will recognise our emirate as THE destination of choice for 2016.”
The UK has always been one of Dubai’s best performing markets, featuring among the top three source markets for inbound tourism for more than ten years in a row. Of Dubai’s record total of 13.2 million international overnight visitors last year, over one million came from the UK, underlining the market’s strength and importance.
Spread across digital, traditional and static media, Dubai’s recently rolled out destination marketing campaign is designed to bring a new level of destination awareness to the market, opening minds to all that is possible in Dubai, and ensuring more and more travellers see Dubai as their holiday or business destination of choice. In its first month, the campaign’s brand video, titled ‘The Spirit of Dubai’, has already received over 10 million hits on YouTube.
The emirate’s ambitious plans to make Dubai the world’s number one family holiday destination will be facilitated by numerous exciting new deliveries to add to Dubai’s existing family attractions, including the openings of four theme parks next year.