Coffee Planet staff has been awarded six Q Grader certifications, taking up 40% of the Middle Eastern region’s total Arabica Q Grader, a certification by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA).
“There are 15 Q graders in the Middle East and to have 40% of that total number from our team showcases our absolute commitment to quality”, says Rob Jones, managing director of Coffee Planet. “We’re very proud of this group and their dedication to providing high-quality coffee.”
Featuring 22 tests, the Q Grader certification process examines general coffee knowledge and the ability to consistently and accurately identify quality coffee. This includes appropriately grading green and roasted coffee, sensory and olfactory analysis, the identification of sensory roasts, evaluating roasted coffee from around the world, recognising aromas associated with coffee, blind cupping and more.
Plus, identifying roast progression characteristics, and discerning salty, sweet and sour at varying intensities and combinations.
Coffee Planet’s Q Graders will utilise their talent in the quality control process, ensuring that the home-grown brand buys, roasts and distributes flavour at the highest standards.